SoulCentric Painting Weekly Classes
Freely express yourself in this safe, nurturing space for honoring your intuition and allowing whatever wants to be seen to magically appear under your brush! In this class we practice deep self-acceptance, while simultaneously feeling witnessed and held. For artists and artists-at-heart, get some “me time” with this act of self-love. This is a fun and colorful practice for honing the skills of listening to one’s inner guidance, heal the inner (creative) child, and open to deeper connection with self and others. No art experience necessary. There is ample support for individual process and journey.
Dates: This class ran from July 2015 – May of 2018. This class is now closed due to a move from the area.

Fee: $35 per class for a package of 4, $40 drop-in. Includes all materials.
More info: email
Location: Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High St., Sebastopol, CA 95472. Painting Room, South Entrance.
Unleash Your Creativity: Start the New Year Fully Alive!
January 6 & 7, 2018
Give yourself the gift of being creative, playful, present, and set the tone for the new year. Freely express yourself in this safe, nurturing space for honoring your intuition and allowing whatever wants to be seen to magically appear under your brush! Practice deep self-acceptance, while simultaneously feeling witnessed and held.
For artists and artists-at-heart, this is a fun and colorful way to hone skills of listening to one’s inner guidance, so easily drowned out by ‘shoulds’ and cultural pressure. Come heal the inner (creative) child, and open to deeper connection with self and others. Gentle SoulCentric BreathworkTM on Sunday supports going within. No art experience necessary. There is ample support for individual process and journey.
When: January 6 & 7, 2018; Saturday 1-5:30, Sunday 10-4
Fee: $155 early by 12/26/17 , $175 after
. Includes all materials.
Fencesitters! Saturday introduction only: $75
Register: 707-872-5577 or send an email, or Paypal buttons above.
Your Guide:
Mardi Storm founded SoulCentric BreathworkTM and SoulCentric PaintingTM, and is an Artist. She’s been offering healing work professionally for over 15 years, has a lifetime of experience with art, and is devoted to a path of deep inquiry and soul consciousness.
She was certified as a Clarity Breathwork practitioner 13 years ago, certified as a Massage Therapist 15 years ago, and learned intuitive process painting from Michele Cassou and StewartCubley 7 years ago, in addition to studying painting at SFSU 18 years ago. She’s also received training in clairvoyance, cranial sacral, reiki, shamanic work, and more, developing her own approach healing by deep listening to the body and opening to the Self.
She is a published and public artist, known for her works at Burning Man and in local hospitals, and really enjoys supporting others with healing and awakening creativity. She is currently working on her PhD in Psychology. More about her healing work:
Painting and Breathing through Changing Times
November 11, 2017, 10-5
Fall is a powerful time of transitions. Give yourself the space to unwind and let go of unhealthy ways of being, patterns of your former life. Prepare to cocoon for the winter from a clearer slate. Tending our inner landscape during the dying time is just as important a phase as any during the wheel of the year. For only when we can truly see what we’ve outgrown, and release it, can we emerge anew, and transformed, in the Spring.
Join us to listen closely to yourself, using paint as a mode of expressing your own deep feeling and inner dreamscape. Inquire more deeply into your own mystical journey here on Earth. Gentle SoulCentric BreathworkTM supports this process. No art experience of any kind is necessary. There is ample support for individual process and journey.
Saturday November 11, 2017, 10am – 5pm (1 hr lunch break)
Fee: $95 early by 11/3/17. $108 thereafter.
Includes all materials. Limited to 12, please register in advance.
**FREE to those who lost their home in the October wildfires!**
Bring: Don’t wear your favorite clothes just in case the tempura stains, which can occasionally happen on cotton. We have some aprons available. Please bring a pad or mat to lie on and a blanket and pillow, to be comfortable lying on the floor during the breathwork portion on Sunday.
More info: 707-872-5577 or email
Location: Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 South High Street, Sebastopol
Paintings from past workshop participants:
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Your Guide:
Mardi Storm founded SoulCentric BreathworkTM and SoulCentric PaintingTM, and is an Artist. She’s been offering healing work professionally for over 15 years, has a lifetime of experience with art, and is devoted to a path of deep inquiry and soul consciousness. She was certified as a Clarity Breathwork practitioner 13 years ago, certified as a Massage Therapist 15 years ago, and learned intuitive process painting from Michele Cassou and Stewart Cubley 7 years ago, in addition to studying painting at SFSU 18 years ago. She’s also received training in clairvoyance, cranial sacral, reiki, shamanic work, and more, developing her own approach healing by deep listening to the body and the self. She is a published and public artist, known for her works at Burning Man and in local hospitals, and really enjoys supporting others with healing and awakening creativity. She is currently working on her PhD in Clinical Psychology.
Summertime Self-Care with SoulCentric Painting & Breathwork
Saturday July 1, 1 – 5:30
Sunday July 2, 10 – 4
At a time when there is so much uncertainty in the air, it’s important to nurture ourselves with self-care. Come back to your center, to be grounded and clear amidst so much change. Through playful creativity, find a way to shift unhelpful patterns by saying ‘yes’ to yourself and what brings joy inside. Release fears and anxieties, get real with how you feel in safe space. Be seen as the magical creative being you are in your heart of hearts. Open the doors to increased energy, healing, and happiness! If this sounds good – join us!
This is a fun and colorful practice for any artist or artist-at-heart wanting to be more expressive, clarify intuition, be seen, surrender self-criticisms, heal the inner child, and open to deeper authentic connection with Self and others.
Gentle SoulCentric BreathworkTM on Sunday will increase awareness and bring healing to our patterns that may be arising, and help us listen deeper to our bodies.
No art experience necessary. There is ample support for individual process and journey.
This longer workshop is a rare chance to go deeper into this process and into listening and healing yourself with this work. We’ll use a safe way to work the energy on our paintings in community on Sunday. Join us!
Dates & Times:
Saturday July 1, 2017, 1pm-5:30pm (1/2 hour break)
Sunday July 2, 2017, Sunday 10am – 4pm (1 hr break)
Fee: $155 early by 6/24/17, $175 after
Bring: Please bring a pad or mat to lie on and a blanket and pillow, to be comfortable lying on the floor during the breathwork portion.The paint is tempura and doesn’t usually stain, avoid wearing white or your favorite clothes just in case.
More info: 707-872-5577 or email
Location: Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 South High Street, Sebastopol
Your Guide:
Mardi Storm evolved SoulCentric BreathworkTM and SoulCentric PaintingTM, and is an Artist. She’s been offering healing work professionally for over 15 years, has a lifetime of experience with art, and is devoted to a path of deep inquiry and soul consciousness. She was certified as a Clarity Breathwork practitioner 13 years ago, CMT 15 years ago, and trained in intuitive process painting, clairvoyance, cranial sacral, reiki, shamanic work, and more, developing her unique approaches based on somatic and energy work experiences from deep listening to the self. She is a published and public artist, and really enjoys supporting others with healing and awakening creativity. She is currently working on her PhD in Clinical Psychology. More info on healing work:
Spring Into Creativity with SoulCentric Painting & Breathwork
Sunday, April 9th, 2017, 10-4
The world has got a lot going on right now and there are countless reports of anxiety, fear, trepidation, and feelings of unrootedness. Let’s all get back into our bodies, clear the fear, paint out the anxiety, express your pain, and get back in touch with your core, the root of your being, the part of you that can be awake, alive, adept, and even laugh at all this, even while it hurts… we’re all in this together. Come feed the connection in deep meaningful ways to yourself, while in a safe community. Love to have you with us!
Cultivate being creative, playful, present, and in a state of deep self-acceptance to create healing change in your life. Whether you are an artist or artist-at-heart, you can allow creativity to flow unhindered, as an act of self-love.
This is a fun and colorful practice for anyone wanting to listen more to intuition, be seen, practice authentic voice, surrender self-judgements and limitations, heal the inner child, and open to deeper connection with self and others.
Gentle SoulCentric BreathworkTM will help us increase awareness in our bodies and open to creative flow.
No art experience necessary. There is ample support for individual process and journey.
Fee: $85 early by 4/1/17, $95 after. Includes all materials.
Bring: Please bring a pad or mat to lie on and a blanket and pillow, to be comfortable lying on the floor during the breathwork portion. The paint is tempura and doesn’t usually stain, avoid wearing white or your favorite clothes just in case.
More info: 707-872-5577 or email
Location: Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 South High Street, Sebastopol

Early rate – $85 by 4/1/17

Full Body Expressive Painting
with Mardi Storm & Sage Abella
Saturday April 15, 2017
Let your true feelings come to light with full body expression on oversize paper. Allowing yourself to express your emotions during tumultuous and intense times opens the pathway to healing. Come prepared to get messy. Bathing suits or painting clothes recommended. Breaking out of your box will be encouraged. Participants will be invited to paint involving their entire bodies. Open to letting your body, soul, and emotions all get a turn being seen.
Fee: $50 early by April 9, $60 after. Includes all oversized paper and paints.
Bring: The paint is tempura and doesn’t usually stain, avoid wearing white or your favorite clothes just in case.
Please bring an old towel to clean up with in case you get really messy!
More info & signup:
Space is limited to 6 participants, sign up soon!
Mardi 707-872-5577, 415-515-7995 or email
Sage 707-995-1078
Location: Painting Room, South entrance, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 South High Street, Sebastopol
Time: Saturday, April 15, 2017, 1 – 4 pm

Your Guides:
Mardi Storm developed SoulCentric BreathworkTM and SoulCentric PaintingTM, and is an Artist. She’s been offering healing work professionally for over 15 years, has a lifetime of experience with art, and is devoted to a path of deep inquiry and soul consciousness. She was certified as a Clarity Breathwork practitioner 13 years ago, CMT 15 years ago, and trained in intuitive process painting, clairvoyance, out of body, shamanic work, and more, offering energy work and soul work via deep listening to the self. She is a published and public artist, and really enjoys supporting others with healing and awakening creativity. She is currently working on her PhD in Clinical Psychology. More info on healing work:
Sage Abella is the Creatrix of Wild Edges Studio. She’s a Master Facilitator of Intuitive Arts and loves art making so much it’s a part of her everyday life. She teaches a weekly ArtVentures class and monthly intuitive painting workshops at Middletown Art Center. Ever dedicated to the transformational process she’s always looking for new ways to connect heart and embodied experience with creative expression. Art heals! Sage is dedicated to holding space for others to find, keep and express their true selves. Wild Edges Studio
Paintings from previous SoulCentric Painting participants:
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